You Never Really Retire...

by Wasp Child

First published

Celestia and Luna have retired, but work still finds them in the form of raising Chrysalis' daughter

Celestia and Luna have transferred rulership to Twilight and her friends and retired to the Silver Shoals Retirement Community. After so many years of work, they look forward to some well-earned rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, that is not to be. Celestia receives something she never expected to have to deal with: Chrysalis' daughter!

Celestia, Equestria's mother, becomes a mother once more. Looks like things might not be so quiet after all!

Cover image by The-Clockwork-Crow

Track 001 - Egging Her On

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"Shoo be doo, shoo shoo be doo..." Celestia sang softly to herself, a watering can held in her magic, raining down precious lifewater upon the plants outside her apartment. She paused and looked up at the sun beaming down upon Silver Shoals. The sun, once hers, was now in the hooves of Twilight Sparkle, and she felt at once both relieved and heartbroken. Thousands of years raising and lowering the sun had impressed a strong connection with the celestial body, and now part of her felt as if she had lost an old friend. Celestia smiled and lifted her hoof, waving at it.

"Still feels odd, doesn't it, sister?" Luna asked, startling Celestia from her reverie. As always she could move so quietly that she startled just about everypony she approached, her sister included. "It's nice to just be regular ponies for once, and yet..."

"Yes." For once, the wise and immortal sun mare had no speech to trot out. "It'll take some time to get used to this. Maybe a few decades at least." She shrugged and continued watering her plants. "For now, it's one day at a time. Equestria's in good hooves, and here's hoping it'll be a while until the next attempted takeover. Even Twilight and her friends could use that sort of break, especially given the task they've now been given."

"They'll be fine. You and I didn't have a council like Twilight's, and we handled things all right." Luna moved closer and leaned against her sister, nuzzling her neck. "We're retired, let's try not to obsess over our old jobs every morning. It's been a few months, and nothing has blown up yet. Just think positive and relax."

"You're right, Lulu." She replied, returning the loving nuzzle. "I'm heading to the arts building for art time soon, are you coming with?"

"Hmm, no, perhaps another day. I feel like once more vanquishing my foes in the art of paintball." Luna grinned and narrowed her eyes dangerously. "This time I will be victorious."

"Suuuuure, suuuure, that's what you said the last ten times." Celestia chuckled and dodged a swipe of Luna's hoof. "Enjoy yourself, dear. I'll see you this afternoon for tea, yes?"

"Of course! I'd never miss tea time with my big sis." Luna giggled and turned away, trotting down the stairs of the porch. "I shall let you know how I fare!"

* * *

"Oooh, what a lovely sunrise, Prin-...Celestia!" Celestia looked up from her painting, her brush dipped with crimson red. Beside her stood Mixed Palette, the instructor and supervisor of the art class. The pegasus mare was an artist and former art teacher from Fillydelphia who had retired and brought her love of art to Silver Shoals. Celestia smiled softly at her, giggling a little at seeing the mare trying hard not to use her former title. Old habits die hard after all.

"Why thank you, Mixy. They do say to paint what you know, don't they?" She asked.

"Mmm, yes, that is true." Mixed Palette said with a nod, pushing her glasses up her muzzle. "And since you've come here, you've painted many lovely sunrises and sunsets." Mixed paused, biting her lip. "Buuut...I speak not as your teacher but as your everything all right?"

Celestia blinked, cocking her head to the side. "...y-yes? Nothing is the matter. Why do you ask?"

"Mmhmm, sure." Mixed Palette stood up straighter, and Celestia was sure she could hear those old bones creak a little. "There's nothing wrong with painting the sun, not at all. But that's all you seem to paint, and when you do you get all...wistful like. You look kinda sad and a little lost."

"I...I do?" Celestia slowly put her brush down, suddenly feeling a little uneasy. "Is it really that obvious?"

"Plain as the day, Celestia." Mixed said matter-of-factly. But then she sighed and reached out, putting her hoof gently on Celestia's. "I can tell that you miss it. Being a princess. I mean, this is a big change for all of us too. We looked up to you, and we still do! But now to come to grips with you and your sister stepping down, it's...well, it's a strange feeling. Even now I still want to bow to you, though my back would say otherwise."

Celestia sighed and extended a wing around Mixed, pulling her in close. "Then...what do you suggest I do?"

"I don't really know, to be honest. But! You need to find something to really shake things up. Coming here to spend time at Silver Shoals is nice and all, but perhaps it is a bit too relaxing. You need something to challenge you, to get your attention, something that you will really invest yourself in, just as surely you invested yourself in ruling Equestria."

" know, I think you're right." Celestia smiled and nuzzled between Mixed's ears, drawing a cute squeak from her friend. "But what? It'd have to be something big, something important, something that would truly rival ruling a nation."

"I'm sure something will come along, Celestia. Life always has a way of dropping things in our hooves."

* * *

Celestia made her way back to her apartment, somewhat more subdued than she was earlier in the day. Mixed Palette's words had gotten to her, and the former ruler realized she had a lot to think about. How does one go from doing a job for millenia and then simply leaving off it?

As she reached the steps of her front porch, she looked up and paused. Her door was ajar. The hairs on her withers lifted. While the other residents often visited, they were polite enough not to let themselves in if she was out. And if it were Luna who had entered, as she had tacit permission to do so, she would have closed the door behind her. It was unlike Luna or anyone else at Silver Shoals to leave her door like that.

Ever so quietly she crept up the steps, wincing as one of them creaked. She paused and listened. Nothing, not a peep. She waited a moment, then continued, and approached her door, pushing it open and peeking inside.

A slow scan of her living area showed that nothing seemed amiss. Nothing was ransacked or strewn about. Everything was as she left it. She moved in, eyes vigilantly taking in every detail. When no small clue showed itself, she let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Silly me, I probably left it open or something. Or maybe the latch needs fixing."

Moving into her bedroom, she levitated her painting off of her back and placed it against the wall, next to a series of other sun-related paintings. She smiled softly and looked over them, admiring the many hues she'd used to capture the way the sun painted the sky in the morning and evening. Then she turned and looked at the rest of her room. And paused.

There was something sitting on her bed.

The feeling of unease came back in full force, and her legs shook as she closed the distance. Laying upon her bed was a basket covered with a blanket, and a letter sealed with wax. She brought the letter to her with her magic, and carefully broke the seal, opening the envelope and sliding out a single sheet of creamy paper. Words written in very careful and elegant script jumped out at her from the page.

Hello Celestia,

IF you are reading this (and I consider it a big if), then congratulations, you have won. It makes the very bile rise in my throat at the thought, but even I had to consider it a possibility, no matter how remote.

I know there is no love lost between us, but I write to ask one thing of you. To look after and care for something very important to me.

My daughter.

Yes, along with this letter you are receiving the egg of my as yet unhatched daughter. While I had hoped to return victorious and create a kingdom of my own, your receiving this letter means that such plans are shattered, and now my daughter has lost her mother. Her birth mother, at least.

Consider this my last laugh, Celestia. I would not see true changelings fully extinguished (and I do not consider those rainbow coloured traitors to be changelings anymore), and so my kind will live on through my daughter. Your daughter.

Take good care of her. If I know you as well as I think I do, then I know you will.

Forever your enemy,

"" Celestia dropped the letter. This was the last thing she needed. While she had not taken any joy in doing away with Chrysalis, it had been a necessary evil. How foolish she had been to think it was over. Even now, defeated though she was, Chrysalis threw a wrench in her plans, upsetting the careful balance of her life.

Celestia remained quiet for a few minutes, taking deep breaths to calm herself. "Calm down, Celly, calm down...just need Twilight and...and Thorax..." Her attention turned to the basket upon her bed, appearing like a mockery of the kind used to leave foals at an orphanage. She pulled the blanket away, revealing an iridescent egg, the colours shifting and changing as Celestia examined it. She reached out and touched it: it was firm but still somewhat yielding, not unlike a changeling's carapace.

It was in the middle of slowly stroking the egg that she was once again startled by another one of her sister's sudden appearances. "Tia? What...what is that?"

"L-Lulu..." She turned and regarded her sister, the lunar mare looking at her with visible confusion. "We've definitely got something to talk about over tea."

Track 002 - An alicorn feathering her nest has very little time to rest

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"Lulu, not so loud." Celestia frowned at her sister, then looked at her teacup. The Royal Canterlot Voice hadn't chipped it, thankfully, but it had made some tea spill out onto her coat. She dabbed at it with a napkin, then took another sip of her favourite brew, some sweet and gentle oolongma straight from Chineigh. She needed it right now.

"Okay, okay, but...Chrysalis' daughter?" Luna hissed, looking at Celestia, then looking past her at the bedroom, glaring at the egg that sat so innocently in its basket. "What do you intend to do about this? Will you destr-"

"Lulu! No! I...I won't hurt it...won't hurt...her." Celestia bit her lip. "It's not fair for me to deny a creature life just because its mother was a tyrant. She is not her mother. She will be...whatever she will be."


"No, Lulu, no. I know you were more incensed with Chrysalis than I was..."

"Were? I still am! Just because she's a lawn ornament now doesn't mean my ire has lessened one bit! I just...I want things to be normal for once." Luna said softly, pouting and looking like a young filly and not like the immortal mare she was.

"Oh Lulu, the first thing you've got to learn is that life refuses to be normal. It isn't normal. Nothing and nopony is normal. We're all unique and wonderful and strange, and I wouldn't have it any other way." Celestia put down her teacup and rose, turning towards her bedroom.


"One moment." Celestia stepped into her bedroom, leaning down to pick up the basket with her teeth. Then she did an about face and brought it into the living-room, sitting down on her cushion and placing the basket beside her. "It's probably best if I keep her close."

Luna groaned and facehoofed. "Tia, seriously? What is happening to you? Fine, I understand you don't wish to harm the changeling, but shouldn't you wait until you talk with Thorax about it? Twilight may know a lot, but if you want to know about changelings, go right to the source."

"I fully intend to do just that, Lulu. But for now, I'm going to do what I feel is right." She picked up the egg, gently cradling it against her belly, letting it sit against her soft coat and drink in her body heat. "Surely keeping her warm will help. R-right?"

Luna shrugged. "I know naught on the matter, sister. You probably know more than me, truly." She snorted, then chuckled, looking at the scene before her. "You're totally nesting right now, just like a pegasus."

"Wh-what? I am not!" Celestia rebutted, a blush forming on her cheeks. "I'm just...I don't know, I just want to take care of it. Chrysalis, she...she got me good. Like she said in the letter, she knew me well enough to entrust her daughter to me. She must have known this would happen."

"Well, I guess they call you Equestria's mother for a reason." Luna got up and trotted over to her sister, giving her a soft nuzzle. "How about I write the letter to Twilight, and let you and the egg get to know each other."

"Lulu!" Celestia balked. Luna just giggled and made her way out of Celestia's apartment, leaving her sister to huddle protectively over the egg.

* * *

Quill, ink and paper at the ready, Luna sat at her writing desk, taking a moment to compose herself as she pondered over the letter she was about to write. Ire at Chrysalis bubbled up again, but she forced it back down. Celestia was taking this more positively than she was, and Luna was determined to follow her sister's example. She closed her eyes and did the breathing exercises that Cadence had taught to her, then opened them and began to write.

Dearest Twilight,

While I wish this letter were one in which to share how Celestia and I have been faring, it sadly is not. Something has come up.

I do not think there is any cause at present to be worried, so be at peace. That being said, what I have to say to you will no doubt disturb you somewhat.

How shall I put this? Probably best to just say it. Chrysalis, though she may have been defeated, has played a trick upon us from beyond her stony prison. It appears she had a contingency plan to ensure that her as yet unhatched daughter would survive, and that plan is, namely, to have Celestia raise her.

We do not know how the egg reached us, though I assume a changeling must have secretly delivered it and then left. I do not know if there is any grand plan beyond Chrysalis merely wanting her brood to be cared for, and truly for Equestria's sake I hope that is all it is.

Instead of writing two letters, I thought it best to write to you, letting you know the situation and asking you to contact Thorax. Celestia and I do not know nearly enough about changelings, and we surely know very little about their young and how they raise them. If he could visit us as soon as he is able, that would be much appreciated.

As it is, I should probably return to Celestia now. When last I left her, she had begun nesting. My sister's motherly instincts truly know no bounds, and I think she is determined to look after the pitiful thing.

Yours truly,

"Hmm...could have been worded better, but that shall suffice." She murmured to herself, blowing softly on the page to ensure the ink dried. Then she lifted up the page, rolled it up, and burned it with magical fire, watching it dissipate in the air before her. "Hopefully she doesn't freak out...though she has gotten better at remaining calm, hasn't she? She's better at it than I, I must admit."

She stood up and stretched, letting out a yawn. Having retired, she had found herself doing more during the daylight hours than before, and it left her in want of more sleep. Perhaps she'd check on her sister once more, then have a nice afternoon nap. Yes, that sounded like a good idea.

Leaving her apartment, she trotted next door to her sister's place, letting herself in as she usually did. Stepping inside, she noticed that Celestia was no longer sitting in the living area, her cushion next to the tea table now empty.

Peeking into the bedroom, she found herself having to suppress a snort of amusement. There was Celestia, laying on her bed, curled up around the egg, humming softly and caressing it. Luna softly shook her head, smiling lovingly at her sister. Celestia had been like a second mother to Twilight Sparkle, and likely did just as much parenting of the young mare as Twilight Velvet had, if not perhaps more. But now Twilight Sparkle was all grown up, and leading Equestria with her friends, and it was as if she'd left the nest.

Perhaps this situation may not be a bad thing after all, she thought. She'd noticed how off her sister had been, how confused and lost she had looked, but now? It was the first time in months Celestia had looked fulfilled and at peace. And Luna couldn't bring herself to disturb her sister, so she quietly left.

"I never thought I'd say this but...Chrysalis? Thank you."

Track 003 - Your spirits seem to turn about

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The sound of birds all atwitter filtered through the window of Celestia's apartment, gradually leading the alicorn into wakefulness. Luna had left yesterday afternoon, leaving her to her devices, which basically consisted of her watching over the egg and reading. It truly was a pleasure to read for the fun of it, rather than poring over royal edicts and correspondence. Inspired by the current situation she had cracked the cover of a recently published novel featuring a changeling protagonist that Twilight had recommended. She'd lost herself in the book, all the while hugging her egg close, caressing it.

Her egg. Already she found herself bonding with it, with her. She wondered if the unhatched changeling grub was doing something to her as it absorbed her love and affection, or whether this was merely a consequence of her own motherly instinct. Whatever the case, she was happy. She yawned and threw off the covers, revealing herself and the egg. She smiled at it, stroking it for a moment, then got up and started her day.

"Out there, full of shine and full of sparkle, close your eyes and see it glisten, Celestia, listen Celestiaaa..." Celestia sang to herself as she puttered in her kitchenette, preparing a breakfast of oatmeal. The oats bubbled in the pot, and she spooned in some cinnamon and brown sugar to sweeten it. Her flank swayed back and forth as she hovered over the stove, monitoring her oatmeal, when her singing trailed off, ears perking up. Over the bubbling of the oatmeal she could hear a quiet sound...a soft, cracking sound. "What is that sound...ah! The egg!"

Celestia quickly turned off the stove and ran back to her bedroom, eyes wide. There, on the bed, was the egg, and it was alive. Cracks were forming all along it, and it wobbled back and forth as the life inside it worked to be free. Celestia hovered nervously over it, knowing that you weren't supposed to step in unless it was obvious it couldn't get it. "Oh Me, this is happening...this is really happening!"

Thankfully, Celestia didn't have to feel helpless for very long. In short order, all those cracks began to widen, and the glittering shell fell apart, revealing its contents. There, wriggling out of it, covered in slime and softly hissing, was a little grey changeling grub. Its eyes slowly opened, tongue tasting the air, and it paused, seeing the alicorn standing over it. For a moment, neither moved.

"U-um...hello little one..." Celestia said softly, and in an instant the grub came to life, wrigglecrawling across the sheets to see her. She sat down on the bed and gingerly picked it up, not minding in the slightest as the egg slime made a mess of her alabaster coat. "You're...adorable!" She cooed.

Celestia was of course no stranger to dealing with young foals, as she had run her magic school for unicorns, but her dealings with newborns were somewhat more limited. Though she had lived for millenia, she had never been put in charge of a newborn for more than a few minutes at a time. Now, this newborn was her responsibility. A heavy task, to be sure, but cuddling the little grub made her heart swell. No matter what happened, she wanted to be a good mom to her little changeling.

"Tia? Are you up?" Luna's voice came from the entrance to her apartment.

"Yes, in here!" She replied. "Come meet your niece!"

"Niece? What...oh." Luna's hoofsteps brought her closer, and then she appeared in the doorway, looking in at the scene before her. Her nostrils flared, and she pulled a face. "What is that smell?"

"'s probably the egg fluid." Celestia said with a shrug, looking down at the little squirming life in her hooves, the grub nuzzling at her affectionately. "Look at her, Lulu! Isn't she cute?"

"Um..." Luna approached hesitantly, looking at the grub. "...well, I guess she's got the face that only a mother could love."

"Lulu! That's not very nice!"

"What? I'm sorry, Tia, but I have to be honest. Mature changelings look fine, but their young seem to leave something to be desired."

"Just you wait, Lulu. I bet she'll grow up to be the loveliest changeling ever!" She nuzzled her little lovegrub. "Yes you will, yes you will, my little...oh, what am I going to call you?"

"Perhaps we should wait for Thorax before that. It's probably best for a changeling to have a changeling name, no?"

"I...suppose. Yes, I can see the logic in that." She tickled her newborn daughter, and the grub made a chittering sound that very much resembled a laugh. "D'awww..."

"Before you get completely lost in motherly bliss, Tia, maybe you should eat breakfast? I could smell the oatmeal from the kitchen when I stepped inside."

"Oh, yes! I had pretty much finished cooking it when I heard the egg hatching. It's probably quite cool by now. Do you you think she'd eat some?"

"Uh...Tia, remember, neither you or I have any knowledge of this, but...oatmeal is very soft, and I've seen newborn foals eating it just fine. I don't see why that shouldn't also extend to her."

"Excellent! Oatmeal for mother and grub!" Celestia crowed, cradling her daughter in her magic, slipping off the bed and moving towards the kitchen.

Luna groaned and dragged a hoof along her muzzle. "Good heavens..."

* * *

After a breakfast of oatmeal (yes, as it turns out, her little grub did enjoy the soft, mushy oats as Luna had guessed) and a bath (Celestia had nearly left the apartment with egg slime on her), the two sisters were trotting down the path to the pier, art supplies in tow. The grub was nestled safely in her mother's mane, peeking out at the world around her, taking everything in.

While Celestia had initially been worried about the bright sun bothering the newborn's eyes, she quickly learned that her daughter had nictating membranes that slid down to protect the eyes from harsh light. That was a detail of changeling biology she'd never noticed in her dealings with them. Raising her was going to be quite the learning experience.

"Morning, Celestia!" Mixed Palette was already in her place, easel set up and palette loaded with paint. The other old-timers hadn't yet arrived.

"Morning Mixy!" Celestia and Luna replied, beaming back at the pegasus.

"My, you seem in an especially good mood this mor-what is that in your mane?!" Mixed Palette's eyes widened, seeing the grub peering out at her. She regarded her curiously, letting out an inquisitive hiss.

"Oh, this is my daughter, Mixy. She's just hatched. She's a changeling." Celestia reached into her mane and lifted her out, giving the little grub a nuzzle. "I think I'll paint her today."

"Your...daughter? My how things have changed from yesterday. Looks like what you needed finally found you, then." Mixed said with a nod. "You look positively radiant today."

"That she does. Motherhood agrees with my sister." Luna agreed, setting up her own easel and canvas. "She has even acted as a mother to me many times, what with me being the younger sister."

"Stop, the both of you, you're making me blush!" Celestia protested, rummaging through her paints. She'd need white and black to capture the grey of her grub, and purple for those wide, curious eyes.

Her paints at the ready, she turned to look for her daughter, only to find her clinging to her leg. "There you are!" She cooed, gently tugging her off and placing her on the stool she'd placed in front of her easel. "There, now try not to move too much."

"What in Celestia's name is that?" The gruff voice of a stallion reached their ears, and all three mares turned to see Timbre Tone hobbling up the pier, his art supplies following after him in his magic. "Izzat some kind of termite?"

"That is my daughter," Celestia replied, keeping her tone neutral. "She's a changeling and she has just hatched, so right now she's just a grub."

"Raising one of 'em bugs? Hmph." He snorted and moved to sit on his own stool, setting up his easel. "Ain't they the ones that attacked Equestria multiple times?"

"That is true, Timbre." Luna replied, dabbing her brush on her palette. "But that situation has since been resolved. Chrysalis has been defeated, and the rest of the changelings we are at peace with."

"Yeah well I still don't trust 'em." He groused, giving the grub the stink eye.

"I do hope you'd give my daughter the benefit of the doubt." Celestia replied, her tone remaining the same but her expression one of challenge. "She's only just been born, and..." She trailed off, looking down, seeing the grub once more climbing up her leg. "Painting you is not going to work if you won't stay still, sweetie."

"Fine, just keep 'er away from me." Timbre said, giving his final word on the matter. Celestia bristled at that, and Luna narrowed her eyes at him, but otherwise nothing more came of it.

Time slowly passed, with other seniors trickling in to work on their paintings, each expressing varying degrees of interest in the changeling grub. Thankfully, aside from Timbre, nopony else made a huge ado of having a changeling in their midst.

Introductions completed, everypony got to work, each depicting either the scenery before them or whatever scenes were floating about in their heads. While Celestia was trying to paint the grub (and failing, since she kept wanting to cling to Celestia), Luna focused on painting a portion of the night sky from memory. Black, blue, and purple formed the inky backdrop of her painting, and then she prepared her silver paint for applying the stars. It was in the middle of squeezing paint onto her palette that a scroll materialized in front of her, surprising her, palette and paint tube falling to the pier.

"Tia, looks as if Twilight has replied." Celestia's ears perked up, and she looked over at her sister. Luna picked up the scroll, unfurling it, reading it quietly. "Well, the bad news is that Thorax cannot come right now."

"That is indeed disappointing." She replied, pouting.

"Buuut...Twilight is sending one of her students in his stead. Ocellus offered to come and help out."

"Ocellus...ah yes, I do remember her. She's a sweet girl."

"Twilight also says she's going to look into things for us. Perhaps we will find out more about this plan of Chrysalis' eventually. All is well, and she sends her regards."

"I thought you said that bug was taken care of!" Timbre spoke up, looking between the two sisters with suspicion.

"She is, Timbre. It just so happens that she decided to leave her daughter to me." Celestia said, a note of pride in her voice, the alicorn almost preening.

"That thing is Chrysalis' brood?" He barked. The rest of the ponies had stopped painting, looking over at the grub with worry.

"I fear I have said too much." Luna murmured, heaving a sigh. "Everypony!" She exclaimed, getting their attention. "Worry not! Chrysalis is indeed defeated. This grub may have been laid by her, but she is just a child, and we have nothing to fear from her. I'm sure that my sister's nurturing will help mold her into a harmonious and peaceful individual quite unlike her birth mother." This pronouncement had the desired effect, the others calming down, nodding and murmuring appreciatively.

"Yeah, well, I still have my eye on 'er. I'll believe it when I see it." Timbre said with a snort.

"You will see it, mark my words." Luna whispered to herself, sharing a glance with her sister. "Looks like our little grub will have some proving to do."

Track 004 - Lay down, Sally, and rest you in my hooves

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The next day passed by uneventfully, with Celestia staying in for the day, feeding and playing with her daughter. She couldn't help but marvel at her daughter's intelligence, the little grub quickly catching on to the things being said to her. That little mind was eagerly drinking in knowledge just as surely as she drank in the love that Celestia gave her. Their bond only continued to grow, and when Luna stopped by she even remarked as much.

The sun set and rose again, the dawning of her grub's third day starting off with a breakfast of oatmeal and fruit puree. The spoon alternated between her own mouth and that hungry, chirping maw, mother and daughter filling their bellies before their expected visitor arrived. Ocellus was due to arrive mid-morning by train, and Celestia was looking forward to both her help and her company.

After breakfast she amused herself by once more picking up the novel she'd started a few days prior. The grub, now full, fell into a soft doze, her sides gently rising and falling as she rested at her mother's side. It was in the midst of a particularly exciting scene where Huthinax was sneaking into Canterlot castle that a knock came on the door, breaking her from her reading reveree.

"Coming!" She called out, scrambling off of the bed and going to answer the door. Opening the door, she was greeted by the sight of not one but *two* visitors standing on her porch. There was Ocellus, the young changeling smiling up at her, and beside her stood Gallus, wearing his usual laidback expression.

"Hello there, Princess Celestia." Ocellus said in her sweet, soft voice, moving to bow, only for Celestia to still her with a touch of her hoof.

"Please, Ocellus, I'm no longer a princess anymore. You needn't bow to me. If anything, it should be me bowing to you, since you're here representing King Thorax."

"Yeah, Ocellus, you're a pretty big deal." Gallus said with a smirk, causing his friend to stutter and blush.

"I'm n-not th-that important," Ocellus protested.

"You are to me, dear." Celestia replied. "How good to see you as well, Gallus. Decided to accompany Ocellus at the last minute?"

"Something like that." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck. Ocellus blushed even more and made no comment.

"Ah, I see." Celestia giggled, beckoning them inside with a hoof. "Come, I'm sure my daughter would like to meet you two." The changeling and griffon stepped inside, and she closed the door behind them. "Can I get you anything? Tea, refreshments?"

"I think we're all right," Ocellus said, and Gallus nodded, the two exchanging a shy smile. " are you holding up, Celestia? Has she been much trouble?"

"My dear little grub? Not at all. She's very curious and inquisitive, as all newborns are, but so far she's been very well behaved. It's only been a few days though." Celestia led them into her bedroom, where she'd left the grub sleeping. Said grub was now wide awake, tongue flicking at the air, tasting the emotions of the new creatures in front of her. "There she is, she must have woken up when she heard you."

"Awwww." Ocellus cooed, climbing up onto the bed and gently picking her up. "It's been a while since I've seen a grub like this. Ever since we embraced the change, our grubs look different too."

"*That's* what a baby changeling looks like?" Gallus asked, eyes wide. "She looks kinda..." Ocellus fixed him with a flat stare, as if to say 'choose your words carefully.' "...c-cute."

"Chrysalis did mention in her letter that she wanted to keep the old changeling form alive." She smiles, watching her grub nuzzle Ocellus affectionately, obviously recognizing one of its own kind. "I wonder if she'll want to remain as she is when she grows up, or if she'll want to embrace the change as you did. Part of me hopes she stays as she is."

"Why's that?" Gallus asked.

"I...hmm." She looked over her shoulder, checking to see if the coast is clear. "If I tell you something, do you swear not to tell anypony else?" They nodded. "Not even my sister." They nodded again. "All right. You see..." Celestia fidgeted, starting to blush. "I've always liked the way changelings looked, and I kinda...maybe...had a bit of a crush on Chrysalis?"

"Wow. I" Gallus was at a loss for words, and Ocellus giggled. "Never would have guessed that with how the final battle went."

"I truly hoped that she might be redeemable." Celestia said with a sigh. "I fought her to protect Equestria, not because I wished to fight. When you live long enough and see a fair amount of wars and conflict, you soon see the wisdom of peace. I wanted peace with her, but she...did not want it. And thus she lost her hive and freedom of life."

"That's so sad." Ocellus murmured, petting the grub, who looked uncomfortable with the sad feelings floating about in the air. "I miss her too, you know? She may have been pretty awful, but she was"

A painful silence hung in the air, and it was long moments before anything was said. Gallus, unable to take awkward silences for very long, broke the tension. "So uh...what's her name?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes." Celestia shook her head, coming back to the present. "Ah, you see, she hasn't got one yet. I was waiting to see another changeling to help me with that. My daughter is a changeling, and I want her to have a proper changeling name. It only seems fitting for a burgeoning changeling queen, no?"

"Makes sense to me." Gallus said with a nod. "Whaddaya think, Celly?" Both Celestia and Ocellus looked at him at the same time. "What? I was just trying it names and all."


"Oh, you two are just adorable together." Celestia cooed, the two youths blushing and fidgeting awkwardly. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Tell everypony when you're ready."

"Th-thank you, Celestia." Ocellus breathed a sigh of relief. "Now, little one..." She looked at the grub wiggling against her, its bright purple eyes looking at her in wonder. "Hmm, what would be a good name for a queen...something strong yet beautiful..." Ocellus trailed off, sitting in silence for a few minutes, Celestia and Gallus waiting quietly for her answer. "Ah! I've got it!"

"Yes? Pray, tell me." Celestia replied excitedly.

"Salmacis!" Ocellus said, nuzzling the grub. "It's a name from an old changeling story. Salmacis fell in love with a stallion and longed to be with him. When he didn't return her love, she prayed to the heavens and her wish was granted, the two being merged into one being." She looked up at Celestia. "Seems fitting as a way to symbolize her growing up with both pony and changeling heritage, the two mixing together into something new and wonderful."

"Salmacis." Celestia murmured, trying it out. "Salmacis. Yes, I quite like how that sounds."

"And you can shorten it to Sally!" Gallus piped up. Ocellus rolled her eyes at him. "What? It's true."

"Thank you, Gallus. Sally does sound like a nice informal name for friends and family to call her." She reached out, and Ocellus passed the newly christened grub into her hooves. "My little Salmacis, my cute little Sally." Ocellus and Gallus watched her cradle her daughter with a soft smile. "A perfect name for a perfect bug daughter."

* * *

"Salmacis?" Luna took a sip of her tea, looking at her niece. "I do like the sound of that. Very regal."

"I thought so too!" Celestia replied, breathing in the fragrant aroma rising from her jasmine tea. Gallus and Ocellus sat with them, Ocellus also enjoying some tea whilst Gallus played with Salmacis. Celestia looked over at the griffon, giving him a warm smile. "Seems like she likes you, Gallus."

"Yeah, I guess I'm good with kids." He replied with a shrug, tickling Salmacis, her chittering laugh making him smile. "And she's also very agreeable, so that helps. Not every kid is so sweet."

"I guess that bodes well for us." Ocellus said, her grin widening. "I bet you'll be a good father to our own brood."

"O-Ocellus!" The griffon squawked in protest.

"What, are you saying you don't want to have grubs with me?"

"N-no, I mean...yeah I'd like to, just..." He groaned and extended his wings, covering his face with them. "...just not yet, okay?" All three females chuckled at his embarrassment, and he groaned louder still.

"I like this one, Tia. She comes across as shy and sweet, but she knows how to tease a male and put him in his place." Luna pronounced, waggling her eyebrows at the changeling as she slurped on her earthy, ponerh tea.

"Could you girls, you know, not gang up on a guy?" He asked, peeking at them through his feathers.

"" Celestia replied playfully.

"Okay, okay, that's enough teasing, I think." Ocellus said, causing Gallus to breath a sigh of relief, returning his attention to the adoring little grub. "Celestia, a thought occurred to me just now. I'm here as Thorax's representative, yeah?"

"That is correct."

"I think that I will make you an offer on his behalf. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"And what, pray tell, is this offer?" Celestia asked, ears trained forward in interest.

"The bond between you and Salmacis is already strong and will only grow stronger, but you may find yourself wishing for some assistance with her. I'd like to offer you a place in the changeling hive for you and yours."

"You mean...leave here and move to the hive?"

"Exactly! You and Salmacis, and Luna too if she wishes. I know how important you are to each other."

"I...will have to give that some consideration, and confer with Luna." Celestia replied. Luna nodded, turning to gaze out the window, a pensive look on her face.

"Of course. I wouldn't expect you to make such a decision on the spot. may wish to do so within the next few weeks."

"Why is that?"

"A few weeks after hatching, a grub will instinctively weave itself a cocoon. Once cocooned, it will metamorphize into its next form, looking like a proper foal, albeit with the changeling features you know and love."

"I see." Celestia stared into her tea, the cogs turning slowly in her head. Should she go? Would Luna want to go too, or stay at Silver Shoals?

"It was really nice seeing you again, and spending a little time with you, both of you." Ocellus inclined her head to the two sisters, beaming at them. "But now I think Gallus and I need to be going, or else we'll miss our train back."

"Oh, shoot, it is that time, isn't it?" He asked, jumping to his claws. "Thanks for having us!" Ocellus downed the rest of her tea, then stepped away from the tea table, moving to the door with Gallus in tow. Salmacis let out a sad hissing sound, seeing her new friends go. Celestia picked her up and nuzzled her, easing that ache with her love.

When the two were gone, Celestia sat down again, preparing another infusion of her tea leaves. "What do you think about that offer, Lulu?"

"I think you should take it, Tia."

"...really? Just like that?"

"Mmhmm." Luna followed suit, not yet finished imbibing her own tea. "I think it would be good for you, and for Salmacis." The lunar mare looked over at the grub snuggled against Celestia's chest, a loving smile spreading across her muzzle. "I admit, she is growing on me, and I want the best for her too. The changelings will know all about her development, and will be eager to help out."

"And what about you, Lulu? Would you be coming too?"

", I think I'll stay here for now." Luna picked up her gaiwan, dribbling the infused tea into her cup. "I love being with you, Tia. You're the best sister a mare could ask for." Celestia awwwed at her, and Luna giggled. "But I think we needn't be attached at the flank. Our paths may diverge, but all diverging paths eventually converge again. I'll be sure to visit sometime."

"Y-you're sure?"

"Yes, Tia, I am sure." She leaned forward, fixing Salmacis with a serious stare. "Take good care of your mother, won't you, little grub?" Salmacis, as usual, responded in chirps and hisses, smiling at her aunt. "I guess that will suffice."

* * *

Later that night, Celestia retired to bed, placing her sleepy little grub beside her, watching as Salmacis gradually drifted off to sleep. Picking up and moving out of Canterlot castle to Silver Shoals had felt like a big change, and now here she was, about to move for the second time in months. It'd take a few days to get everything sorted, and then she'd be off, leaving her sister and the friendly residents behind, off to yet more adventure. "Heh, it's like they always say," she whispered to her daughter, softly stroking her. "You never really retire, you just change jobs."

Track 005 - Medley: Celly, Please Don't Go / Tia / On the Road Again

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The next few days saw Celestia fairly busy, looking through her things to see what she might take with her and also letting her fellow residents know of her impending departure. She and Luna had both purchased their apartments outright, so she always had her apartment to come back to whenever she wanted. Therefore, she didn't need to pack up the whole lot, just the essentials.

All the friends she'd made at Silver Shoals were rather sad to see her go, especially after so short a time with them. She had to promise them that she would come and visit occasionally, once her little Salmacis had developed a bit. Naturally, all the residents wanted to see her off properly, and so they were planning a little goodbye party for her the night before she left.

When the night in question rolled around, Celestia took stock of her luggage before heading out, Salmacis sniffing the bags curiously. "You and Momma are heading out tomorrow, Sally. Those are our things." Salmacis tilted her head and made a confused chirp. "Don't worry, you'll figure it out eventually. You're my smart little grub. Now come on, up." She lifted her daughter, depositing her on her withers. "Let's go have a little fun with our friends, shall we?"

* * *

As Celestia walked into the music hall, she was greeted by a loud "SURPRISE!" The room was absolutely packed with ponies, waving happily at her. There was Mixed Palette, wiping away a tear. Sunny Days, an earth pony who led the yogallop and meditation groups, smiled serenely at her. Sure Shot, a pegasus who remained ever her sister's rival in paintball, saluted her. And speaking of Luna, there she was, standing next to a..."ch-chocolate cake..." Celestia murmured, trying not to immediately drool on the floor.

"Greetings, dearest sister!" Luna called, parting the crowd and trotting over to her. "Got everything ready for tomorrow?"

"Y-yes cake....err, yes Lulu." She replied, tearing her eyes off the cake to look at her sister. Luna gave her a wicked grin and chuckled. "I'm going to look so silly in front of our friends now. You know I can't resist chocolate cake!"

"Or cake of any kind, for that matter. But chocolate especially." Luna shrugged and leaned in to give her a nuzzle. "Love you, sis."

"Love you too, Lulu."

"Finally, the V.I.P. has arrived!" Came a voice from the stage. Celestia turned to see Timbre Tone sitting on a stool, tuning his guitar. "Cake and punch and music for ya, Celestia."

"That's very sweet of all of you. I really appreciate th-" She broke off, turning to look at her daughter, who was suddenly chirping out the same notes that Timbre was striking. "Huh?"

"Would ya look at that." Timbre played a melody line, and Salmacis chirped it back to him. He played a note and then bended it back and forth, while at the same time giving it some vibrato with the whammy bar. Salmacis warbled it right back to him. "All right, that's impressive. Your bug's a natural mimic, and she's got perfect pitch. That...that's actual talent right there, that is."

"Oh?" Celestia turned to give her daughter a nuzzle. "Looks like this 'bug' might not be so terrible after all, hmm?"

"Hmph." Timbre Tone huffed, crossing his arms. "I guess. At least she has an ear for music. You should definitely follow up with music lessons when she is older. Any foal I've seen who could do what she just did ended up becoming very talented musicians."

"Well, something for me to think about!" Celestia stood up tall and proud, pleased with the compliment towards her daughter. "Wonder if she'll be a classical musician or a rockstar?"

"Why not both?" He shrugged, and continued tuning. "Anyway, get yourselves relaxed, the boys and I need a few minutes to get ready still."

Celestia nodded, turning toward the gathering behind her. She waded into the crowd, sharing greetings with the older ponies she'd be leaving in the morning. And, of course, she got some fruit punch and chocolate cake, trying to scarf it down with at least some decorum.

"All right, ladies and gentlecolts, we're ready to start." Timbre Tone's amplified voice floated over to them. "Since our lovely friend is leaving on the 'morrow, the boys and I thought we'd modify a few classics for 'er." He turned toward the rest of the band. "Ready? And a one, and a two..." His guitar rang out with the notes of a rather familiar blues standard, an upbeat song that had everypony stomping.

Celly please don't go,
Celly please don't go,
Celly please don't go to the changeling hive,
you know we love you so,
Celly please don't go.

Celestia smiled and blushed, her wings fluffing a little with embarrassment.

We'll always be your friends,
we'll always be your friends,
we'll always be your friends,
never let you walk alone,
Celly please don't go.

Your hooves done gone,
your hooves done gone,
you left Silver shoals
you had your luggage on,
Celly please don't go.

When we called your name,
when we called your name,
when we called your name,
nopony came,
Celly please don't go!

The song came to a close, Timbre's slide guitar reverberating through the hall. Everypony applauded, and Celestia whooped and flared her wings.

"Thank you, thank you. Now, I believe Luna wanted to come up and sing something for her sister."

"Lulu?" Celestia asked, watching her sister stroll on by her and climb the stairs to the stage.

"Indeed." Luna said into the microphone, beaming at her sister. "You didn't think I wouldn't try to be a part of this, surely?"

"Lulu, I'm touched."

"I'm glad. And I hope you like the song." She turned to look at the stallions around her. "Ready boys? On my count. 1, 2, a 1, 2, 3, 4." The band started up, strumming their chords, and Luna began to sing.

Let me tell you 'bout my sister,
you know she come around.
She 'bout six feet tall,
from her head to the ground.

You know she leavin' here,
in the mornin' light.
I'll miss her so,
every day and every night.

And her name is T! I! Ayyyyy!
T-I-A! Celestia!
T-I-A! Celestia!
I'm gonna shout it all night!
Gonna shout it every place!

From there, the verses repeated, with everypony joining in, even Celestia. Her heart swelled with love for her sister and her little ponies. They knew just how to make her feel wanted. Maybe she was no longer their princess, but she'd always be their friend.

The evening proceeded in the same manner, with Timbre and his band playing songs for her, and Celestia eating as much cake as she could get away with. Her cheeks burned with shame as Luna met her gaze, seeing the chocolate frosting smeared around her muzzle. Luna cackled. "Got a little something on your face, Tia."

"Yes, yes, I know." She grumbled, wiping her muzzle clean. She turned to look at Salmacis, who had also pigged out a bit on cake, the grub snoozing on a full belly of sickeningly sweet dessert. "I bet love tastes like chocolate cake."

"Maybe your love does, Tia. I do recall Thorax telling me that everypony's love has a different taste to it, but all are sweet like dessert. You should ask him what yours tastes like." That remark caused Celestia to fidget and blush. "Oho, does the handsome bug make you all weak in the knees, hmm?"

"Lulu! Stoooop!" She protested. "A-anyway, Salmacis and I should be going now, get a good night's sleep. Looks like our friends are starting to fade too." She looked about the hall, seeing the seniors yawning and looking sleepy despite their sugar intake. "I think this is later than they usually stay up anyway."

"It seems so." Luna nuzzled her. "Go on then, off to bed with you." Celestia nodded and went about the room, saying goodnight to those present, before heading back to her apartment.

* * *

"Mmff..." Celestia yawned, pushing the covers off of her. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched. "Moving day." She murmured, tickling her daughter awake. Salmacis wriggled and chirped, letting out a yawn of her own. "I know, it's early, but we've got a long train ride."

Celestia got out of bed, bringing Salmacis with her, moving to the kitchen. A breakfast of oatmeal and apple sauce was soon whipped up, Celestia having gotten used to having soft foods with her daughter over the past few days. It was in the middle of their meal that Luna entered, joining them at the table.

"Morning, Tia! Ready to go?"

"Mmhmm, got everything packed." She gestured toward two bags sitting beside the door. "Didn't want to take too much, just some things I couldn't do without."

"Let me guess, one of those cases is just books."


"Tia, surely they have reading material at the hive. I know things have changed a lot for them after they embraced harmony. I bet they have a library comprised of both pony and changeling writing."

"I'm sure you're right, but...there's a few I need to have with me."

"Suit yourself." Luna stood up, fluffing up her feathers. "What time is your train?"

"8:00 a.m." She replied, turning to look at the clock, which showed that it was 7:30 a.m. "I best get going, get to the station."
Celestia stood up as well, and began to quickly clean up. "All right, Salmacis, time to go."

Suitcases floating beside her in her magic, and her daughter snug in her mane, she and Luna left her apartment, trotting down the path that led out of Silver Shoals. She waved goodbye to each pony she saw, wishing them well. "I'll miss these ponies, Lulu. They're like big foals, aren't they?"

"Compared with our grand ages, all our little ponies are foals, but yes, retirement brings out the foal in ponies again, doesn't it?" Luna giggled. "Not that we really needed retirement for that, you and I have never truly grown up."

"Speak for yourself, Lulu, I'm truly a mature pony." Celestia said with a straight face, only to break into a giggle fit. "A few months of not being a princess and I've already lost my poker face."

"Easy come, easy go."

They continued on down the road, the train station only a short walk from the retirement community. Several other ponies were already standing on the platform, milling about and chatting with each other. They waved at Celestia as she approached, and she waved back, then made for the ticket booth. "Good morning! One ticket for the changeling station, please."

"Morning, Celestia! Wow, we don't often get requests for that station." The stallion replied, taking her bits and sliding a ticket across the counter to her. "Going for a visit?"

"Actually, I'm moving there." She replied, gesturing to the changeling grub snuggled within her mane. "I'm hoping my changeling friends will help me raise my daughter."

"Huh." He looked at the grub in amazement. "Well I'll be. You've only been here for a few months, and now you're off to raise a changeling? Your life never ceases to be interesting, does it?"

"Tell me about it." She replied with a pout. "I don't think my life will ever truly be quiet." The ticketmaster chuckled at that. "Have a good day!"

"You too, Celestia! Hope all goes well in your new home!"

"Thank you!" She left the booth and returned to the platform, where Luna was standing with her bags. "Got my ticket, Lulu."

"Excellent. The train should be here in a few minutes." Luna let out a sigh, then went in for a hug, extending her wings around her sister. "Tia, I'm really going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Lulu." Celestia gave her a nuzzle, then rested her head on Luna's withers. Salmacis let out a few chirps, nuzzling her aunt as well. "After that millenia without you, I never wanted to be apart from you again, but here we are."

"Not even the moon could keep you apart from me, since I'm always in your heart, Tia." Luna pulled back, tears trickling down her cheeks. Celestia lifted a hoof to wipe them away. "This isn't goodbye, it's just 'see you later', no?"

"Exactly." Celestia smiled, wiping tears from her own eyes. "Have a good time here, keep me apprised of the goings-on."

"Of course! And you best write to me regularly, sister. I want to know everything that's happening in the hive."

"Will do." It was at that moment that a whistle sounded in the distance, drawing their gaze down the track. There was the train, steam puffing from its stack, chugging quickly towards the station. As it neared it began to slow, those metal wheels gradually coming to a screeching halt. "Well, this is me, Lulu."

"Love you, Tia. Until we meet again."

Celestia gave her sister one more nuzzle, then boarded the train, luggage in tow. She entered the compartment, looking about for a good seat, then slid her suitcases into the overhead luggage bin. She sat at the window, staring out at the platform, looking at Luna as she waited for the rest of the passengers to board.

After a few minutes, everypony was on board, and the train blew its whistle. She waved at Luna as the train began to pull out, blowing her kisses. It wasn't long before the station was out of sight, and she sat back, watching the scenery passing by. "Well, Sally, I'm on the road again." Salmacis responded with a happy little chitter. "I can't wait until you can talk, my dear. Now..." She produced the novel she'd been reading. "Time to see what Huthinax is up to this time..."

Track 006 - Tea with Thorax

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"Hmm? Wha?"

"Celestia, we're here." Celestia opened her eyes, letting out a wide yawn. At some point the reading and the gentle music and rocking of the train had lulled the alicorn to sleep, and now she was being awakened by the conductor. She sat up, looking about. No other passengers were on board, having gotten off at more regular pony stations. "If I could, I'd have let you keep sleeping, but we are on a schedule, so..."

"No, no, it's quite all right." She looked at Salmacis, who was wiggling happily beside her. "I think this little bundle of energy has me feeling my age."

"I bet." Replied the conductor, smiling at her and Salmacis. "Got your bags down for you." The stallion gestured toward the two suitcases standing beside him. "All that's left is to drop you off, and we'll be on our way."

"Of course, good sir." She murmured, standing up and curtsying to him. She lit her horn, picking up her bags and her daughter, and made for the exit. "Have a good day!"

"You too, Celestia!" He called after her, taking out a comb and combing his moustache. Once Celestia had hopped off the train and onto the small platform, he blew his whistle, and the train chugged back into life, heading on its way to the next stop on the line.

Celestia looked about the platform, and spied a female changeling standing there watching her expectantly. "Oh, hello there."

"Greetings, Celestia!" The changeling approached her, bowing. "We received word of your arrival, and I was asked to meet you here. I am Serakerrix, but you can just call me Sera."

"Pleased to meet you, Sera." Salmacis peered at the other changeling from her spot in Celestia's mane, and let out a chirp by way of a greeting. "And I think Salmacis is too."

"Oh, look at her!" Sera cooed. "I haven't seen a grub like her in a while, not since we changed. I worked in the nursery under Chrysalis and I still help out with the little ones from time to time. I'll be one of those assisting you."

"I'll be glad to accept any help I can get. I haven't the slightest idea how to raise a changeling, but I'm looking to do my best and do right by my little bug."

"Excellent, you've already got the best thing: a good attitude and lots of love. If you'll follow me, I'll bring you to the hive."

"By all means, lead on." Celestia replied. Sera turned and walked off the platform, leading Celestia up a path that lead into the mountains. After their change and peace treaty with Equestria, they'd set up shop in the old mountain range they'd once lived in before Chrysalis made designs on conquering the kingdom. Though she hadn't spent nearly as much time with Thorax as she would like, Celestia had learned a great deal of the changeling's past from her talks with him.

And now she'd be seeing a lot more of him, what with her entering his territory and moving into the hive. The remark that Luna made at the party the night before came back to her, and the heat rose to her cheeks. She'd told Gallus and Ocellus about her crush on Chrysalis, but if she was honest, she just really liked the changeling form in general, pre- or post-change. And Thorax was quite the specimen, an absolute stud of a changeling. Sera paused, looking at her, then giggled and continued moving. 'Oh no,' she thought, 'my feelings are an open book around changelings. This is going to lead to some awkward exchanges for sure.'

"Almost there, not much further," Sera said, pointing ahead with her hoof, gesturing to an opening in the mountain. "King Thorax is looking forward to seeing you. I believe he wants to have tea with you."

"Tea is always lovely," Celestia replied, trying to not let her feelings run rampant. "I like any tea, but I am very partial to oolongma and ponerh."

"Oolongma is a favourite amongst changelings, what with it naturally tasting sweet, like any of the stone fruits."

"Exactly! It's like nectarine tea, isn't it?"

"Definitely!" Sera replied, their hooves swiftly bringing them within view of the opening. On either side of the entrance stood two pairs of changeling guards, clad in armor on top of their carapaces and wearing serious, no-nonsense faces. As soon as they saw Celestia and Sera, however, they smiled and nodded.

"Welcome to the hive, O Mother Sun." Said the one pair in unison.

"You grace us with your presence, and we give you our love." Said the other pair.

"Oh you do flatter me, truly. I'm happy to be here, moving in with you all. It'll be fun to learn the ways of the changelings!"

"We'll all learn," Sera piped up, giving the guards a nod and gesturing for Celestia to follow her inside. "As iron sharpens iron, so one friend sharpens the face of another."

"It's been many moons since I've heard that proverb, but it's true. Our relationships with each other make us who we are, and no one can interact with another without changing them in some way."

"Precisely!" Sera chirped with enthusiasm. As they entered the mountain, the amount of light dropped considerably. Glowing crystals lined the walls, giving off a constant green glow that provided a dim green light. It was enough light to see your surroundings, but not much more than that. Her pupils dilated in the dim light, trying to adjust. "I imagine this is a bit dark for you, Celestia, but you'll get used to it. Many things about us may have changed after we stopped following Chrysalis, but being in dark places remains with us. It's in our very nature, and will become second nature to you too after a while."

"When Starlight and Trixie were here, they mentioned activities out in the light of the sun." Celestia replied, nodding to the other changelings they passed, a quiet murmur of excitement rippling through the hive at the arrival of such an honored guest.

"That's all up to mood, really. We don't mind the sun, it doesn't hurt us, but...we do prefer being underground. Sometimes we do things out in the sun to shake things up. It produces interesting results during the sharing circle."

"Oh yes, I've heard of that. That's where you discuss your thoughts and feelings with each other, yes? I think that's a tremendous idea." Celestia stumbled a little, tripping over a stone she hadn't seen. "Whoops!"

"Careful, Celestia, I wouldn't want to deliver you to our King with a bump on your noggin." Sera giggled. "And yes, that's the sharing circle. We'd love to have you join us sometime."

"I'd like that." Celestia noticed that the passage they'd been walking down had brought them to a large cavern, larger crystals hanging from above to light the space. Paths branched off of it in many directions, leading deeper still into the mountain and earth. Sera led her down one of the paths, and it wasn't long before they were admitted into an apartment of sorts, a living space with connecting rooms.

There, sitting at a writing desk, quill in hoof, sat Thorax, likely scribbling away at some royal correspondence. He paused and looked up, spying the two in his doorway. "Ah, good! Thank you, Sera." He said with a smile, and she bowed respectfully, backing out of the room and leaving the two together. "Welcome, Celestia. It's good to see you again."

"Likewise, King Thorax." She replied, bowing to him as well. "It is truly kind of you to welcome me into the hive."

"You can just call me, Thorax." He relied sheepishly. "You don't have to call me king if you don't want to."

"Oh but I do!" She stood up straight. "I'm no longer a princess, I am just a common pony. Also, I'm here to stay for who knows how long, and that makes me one of your subjects. I would not undermine your authority by not showing the proper respect, my king."

"O-okay...if you wish." He shrugged, but he seemed to stand a bit taller now, examining her through new eyes. "So, um...would you like to have tea?"

"Oh yes, please." She replied eagerly,looking forward to something familiar in this new place. Salmacis, who had been quiet for some time, looking at her surroundings in wonder, now decided to pipe up. She chirped and chittered at Thorax, drawing his attention, her head poking out of Celestia's mane.

"Ah, there's the little one." He murmured, moving towards Celestia. "May I?" She nodded, and he extracted her from Celestia's mane, gently cradling her in his hooves. "Wow...this is like a blast from the past. Makes me remember my days as a grub."

"You remember being that young? Most foals forget a lot of that."

"Oh yes, all changelings can remember their grub days. Our minds are quite different, like steel traps. We take in everything, because it is vital to our survival. She's too young to speak yet, but she's listening to everything being said and building up vocabulary and syntax within her mind. Don't be surprised when she comes out of her cocoon forming full sentences."

" mature quite quickly."

"We've always had to, until now." He murmurs, gently caressing Salmacis, who let out a happy hiss, wriggling with delight. "She's a cheerful little grub, that's for sure. She'll be a cheerful sort all her life. We can learn and change to some degree, but we're born with a distinct personality and hers is cheery."

"That's definitely reassuring. I mean, I'd love her anyways, but it's nicer to have a cheerful child than a miserable one."

"Agreed." He handed Salmacis back to her. "Now, let me get the tea on for us."

* * *

"Hmm..." Thorax sipped at his tea. "So it just showed up at your apartment?"

"Yes. I was out painting, and when I came back, there it was, sitting on my bed along with the letter. I assume a changeling must have delivered it." She replied, taking a sip of her own. "I don't see any malice in any of this, and I'm not going to unless evidence points to the contrary."

"I do believe you're right." He smirked. "I know my mother well. She was trying to look tough when writing that letter, when in actuality the thought scared her to death. She obviously admired you a lot more than she let on."

"And I admired her too. I just wish it didn't have to end the way it did. I took no joy in that." She said with a shuddering sigh. "To be honest, I'm glad Equestria is in Twilight's hooves now. I wore a mask of my own, not wanting to show weakness, the end I was just so very tired."

"I understand, Celestia." Thorax said with a soft smile. "I've quickly come to realize what a demanding position it is to be in charge. So much is expected of you. Power is not something to be sought lightly." He reached down to stroke Salmacis, who was currently snuggled up against his carapace, having a snooze beside her new friend. "Sometimes I rue the day I became king. But other times...when I see the good I can accomplish...I know it's worth it."

"Well I hope you won't mind two more subjects to look after." Celestia giggled. "It feels so strange to be a subject again and not a ruler, but...I kinda like it."

"There is a certain freedom in it, isn't there?" His gaze bore into hers, and she blushed, fidgeting before him. "Don't worry, I'll look after you and Salmacis. Your king won't let you down." He downed the rest of his tea, then stood up. "Now, though I'd love to sit and chat and drink tea all day, I unfortunately have to get back to things. Sera will show you to your chambers."

"O-oh! Okay. It was nice spending time with you." She replied, standing up and stretching. She picked up Salmacis and placed her on her withers, only to be startled by the sudden appearance of Sera at her side. "You move so quietly, just like my sister. Luna sneaks up on me all the time."

"My apologies, Celestia. King Thorax." She murmurs, bowing in his direction again, Thorax giving her a nod. "It's not far to your chambers. We've already taken your luggage there for you."

"See you later, my king," Celestia said with a giggle, and Thorax chuckled softly.

"Later, my pony subject." He replied playfully.

Sera led her back out into the main cavern, then took the nearest path to the right. "This tunnel leads to one of our residential areas. Until you get used to the layout of the hive, we'll be happy to show you around. There are a lot of passages here. We've cut through as much of this mountain as is safe, and are beginning construction in the neighbouring mountain now."

"Wow, there's a lot going on, isn't there?"

"We've always been an industrious lot." Sera said proudly. "Here we are!" They had passed many rooms branching off the path, and this one looked much as any of the others. Celestia stepped inside and had a look.

Her chambers very much resembled those of Thorax's, though not nearly as large, befitting her status. There was a small living-area, and branching off of it were two bedrooms and what she assumed was a lavatory. The rooms were furnished in furniture made of hardened changeling slime, and the beds appeared to be made of soft slime, like some sort of waterbed. Celestia trotted over and touched one, feeling her hoof sink into it, the slime molding around her hoof. "That's...interesting."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. After sleeping on a slime bed you'll not want to sleep on anything else, I assure you. We've had pony guests before who have sworn as such."

"Well, thank you very much, Sera. This is very kind." She swallowed audibly, overcome with emotion. "Moving in is both exciting and scary, and...well, I appreciate all that you're doing for me and my daughter. You truly are lovebugs."

"We're only too happy to do it, and we'd do it again." Sera said with pride, buzzing her wings. "Now I'll leave you to it, and come check in on you later, okay?"

"Yes, thank you." Sera left, and Celestia decided that another nap was in order. She placed Salmacis on the bed, watching as her daughter practically cooed with delight, feeling the slime around her. She shrugged and joined her on the bed, feeling the alien sensation of sinking into changeling slime. It took a few moments for everything to settle, and she lay there, trying to get used to it. "It's...not that bad, actually. Amazing support." She said softly to herself. "Just gotta get over the strangeness of it."

Even if her mind struggled a bit, her body certainly didn't, and it wasn't long before the alicorn slipped into a light sleep.

Track 007 - Entomophagy

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Celestia swam through the blissful stream of sleep, murmuring happily and nuzzling into the slime supporting her. The bed was so comfortable, and the soft humming that wove in and out of her consciousness made her sleep all the more enjoyable. But, as with all good things, her sleep began to ebb away, and she found herself climbing toward wakefulness, especially when the humming was joined by the sensation of a hoof softly running through her mane. "Mmm...nnhh...Momma?"

The humming stopped and her ears were met with a giggle. "No, I'm not your mother, but I could be if that's what you'd like." Celestia's eyes shot open, and she turned her head, looking up to see Serakerrix sitting beside the bed, smiling down at her.

"Uh...hello, Sera." Celestia whispered, a blush peeking through her white coat. "Can we pretend that didn't just happen?"

"Awww, but I'd love to pamper my widdle alicorn." Sera said with a playful pout. "As you wish.'s the bed?"

"Why do I have the feeling that you're fishing for compliments?"

"Bed review, now." Sera smirked. "Or should I start calling you my little nymph?"

"All right, all right. It's extremely comfortable. You were right." Celestia wiggled a bit, the slime shifting with her and continuing its support. "As weird as it feels, I don't know that I've slept on anything so comfortable, not even my old bed in Canterlot Castle."

"See? Lots of perks to be had when you live the changeling life." Sera was interrupted by a rather audible rumble from Celestia's belly, and she giggled. "But enough about the bed, seems our new resident needs to be fed." The changeling looked over at Salmacis, who wriggled and chirped. "And I think your little grub could do with some food as well. Shall I show you to the communal feeding chamber?"

"Yes, please." Celestia replied, sliding off of the bed and gathering up Salmacis with her magic. "I hope you've got plenty to satisfy an alicorn's hunger."

"Oh, we do, don't you worry about that!"

* * *

The trip to the feeding chamber saw them returning to the main chamber and proceeding down another of the passages. It was a short trip that ended in a large chamber filled with long tables, much like a cafeteria. Along the back wall was a buffet of sorts, and behind that the entrance to the kitchen where the food was prepared.

Celestia and Serakerrix received friendly waves from those already gathered, looking up from their plates to greet the alicorn in their midst. Sera led Celestia over to the buffet, grabbing two trays, giving one to Celestia. "Grab whatever suits you, dear."

Celestia looked at the foods on offer, and began to fill her tray with various vegetables: green beans, cooked spinach, potatoes, and cauliflower. When she reached the next section of the buffet, she paused, eyes widening slightly. "Are those..."

"Yep, they're insects!" Sera proclaimed, gesturing to them. "Crickets, mealworms, locusts. You should grab some of those for Salmacis, they're good for her and she'll love them." Sera gave her a playful nudge. "You should try them too."

"Hmm...perhaps." Celestia said, deciding to be noncommital for now. But she did add a good portion of each of the insects to her tray, if only for her little grub.

With their trays fully loaded, they made their way over to one of the tables, taking a seat. Celestia loaded a plate with small portions of each of the dishes and placed it in front of Salmacis, who chirped happily and eagerly began to wolf it all down. She smiled and gently pet her daughter, then focused on her own hunger, digging in. The vegetables were delicious, cooked to perfection and lightly seasoned. It wasn't long before she'd scarfed them all down, and all that remained was...the insects.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Sera murmured, seeing the dubious look Celestia was giving the insects. "You'll not hurt our feelings if you don't want to eat them."

"No, no, I...I've eaten all sort of odd things in my diplomatic visits to other nations, but this will be a first." Celestia picked up a cricket and, taking a deep breath, she popped it in her mouth and chewed. " tastes like sunflower seeds, actually." She popped a few more into her mouth. "That's...actually not that bad at all."

"See? I knew you'd like it. Try the mealworms next! They're fried, nice and crunchy."

Celestia did as she was told, and tried the mealworms as well. Those too met with a positive review from the alicorn. Celestia looked over at Salmacis and saw her daughter attacking the large locusts, a dreamy look on that adorable little face. "One more to go."

"You can do it, Celestia. I have faith in you." Sera replied, leaning forward, eager to see Celestia chomp down on the large insects.

Celestia picked up the locust and bit into it, chewing slowly. Her eyes widened, and she let out a blissful groan. " tastes like shrimp!"

"Well of course it does, shrimp and locusts are both arthropods." Sera said with a giggle. "See? All of them are delicious, and they'll give you a nice glossy coat just as surely as they make our carapaces shine."

"I'm sorry I ever doubted you." Celestia inclined her head. "Thank you for teaching this old mare something new. I've always been known to be a good teacher, but that's only because I try to be a good student."

"You're welcome." Sera replied, leaning in to give her a nuzzle, which Celestia reciprocated, causing the changeling to buzz her wings happily. "Now be a dear and finish your meal. I haven't much time before I have to return to my duties, so if there's someplace you'd like to see..."

"Yes, mom." Celestia deadpanned, making Sera laugh. She proceeded to eat the rest of her insects, trying not to choke on them as she fought back laughter of her own.

* * *

Luna had been right, of course. The hive did have a library, and a rather extensive one at that. Serakerrix had introduced her to Jaxpreena, the librarian, then excused herself, having to go to the nursery for her shift. Before she left, however, she offered to look after Salmacis for a while, and Celestia happily entrusted her little grub to her new friend, waving goodbye as Sera trotted off.

"Was there something in particular you were looking for, Celestia?" Jaxpreena asked, peering up at the alicorn through her glasses. "Fiction, non-fiction?"

"Fiction, definitely fiction. I'm in the mood for some invention. Actually, I've recently been reading The Adventures of Huthinax, have you read it?"

"Read it? Of course. I even proofread it for my sister."

"...your sister is First Page?" Celestia asked, blinking in surprise.

"Who better to write about changelings than a changeling? Her true name is Qherriranne, but she likes living as a pegasus pony named First Page, and who am I to tell her how to live her life?"

"Huh. It truly is a small world, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is." Jaxpreena looked back at her desk, seeing the books she still needed to process. "Now, do you need recommendations or..."

"I'll just browse a bit, if that's all right. I'll let you get back to work, dear." Celestia replied, nudging her gently. "Don't worry about me, I can handle myself."

"Of that I have no doubt." The changeling smirked, turning about and returning to her desk, leaving Celestia to her own devices.

"Now, let's see..." Celestia began walking up and down the aisles, browsing through the shelves, examining the spines of the many books. It occurred to her that she should find something not only for herself, but something she could also read to her daughter. With that in mind, she kept her eyes out for something ideal for a foal.

After a good deal of searching, she came across a rather well-used little book, and it appeared to be a collection of changeling stories for young nymphs. She added it to her small pile of novels, a mix of both pony and changeling literature. With a good selection to start off with, she made her way to the front desk.

"Found everything you were looking for?" Jaxpreena asked, looking up at the alicorn.

"I think so, for now."

"Hmm? Oh, this is a classic." Jaxpreena tapped the children's book. "Interested in some changeling history?"

"Yes. That, and it looked like something nice to read with my daughter. A changeling should know her heritage, after all, even if she is being raised by a pony."

"Admirable." Jaxpreena nodded. She looked at each book in turn, scribbling down the titles and putting Celestia's name beside them. "All right, there you go. Due back in three weeks, don't make me chase you down."

"Fear not, I've never returned a book late." Celestia said proudly. Jaxpreena stared at her silently, saying nothing. "...okay, maybe once, but that was during a particularly stressful visit with the griffon king."

Jaxpreena chuckled. "I thought so. Not even alicorns are perfect."

"Of course, but don't tell anyling else that." Celestia whispered, giggling.

"Your secret is safe with me, Celestia. Have a good day."

* * *

Knowing she had plenty of time to get to know the hive and its occupants, Celestia decided that she'd had enough exploring for the day, and returned to her room to read and relax.

Sprawling out onto her slime bed, she placed her books on the bedside table and let out a soft sigh. The slime molded around her and buoyed her up, and she stared up at the ceiling, looking at the green crystals casting their glow upon the room. Part of her wanted to read, but then she thought better of it, deciding to just contemplate for a while.

She wondered what Luna was doing. What Twilight and her friends were doing. Her life had taken a strange and interesting turn, and she had no idea what more twists and turns would come her way...but she looked forward with excitement rather than fear. She hadn't ruled over Equestria for thousands of years by retreating from change; instead, she heartily embraced it, and her methods hadn't failed her yet.

"I promised Lulu I'd might not be a bad time to do just that." She murmured, rolling out of bed and onto her hooves. She took a seat at the desk that had been provided for her, summoning paper and quill from her bags.

Dear Lulu,

I have made it safely to the hive. The trip took no time at all, mainly due to the fact that I fell asleep. It seems our niece's hunger for love had left me feeling somewhat drained, something which has since been rectified by a nice meal of vegetables and insects. Yes, you read that right, only a few hours here and I'm going native.

It is good seeing Thorax again, and I look forward to spending time with him as much as his schedule allows. He has really come into his own as king. He has poise and grace, and he really does cut a dashing figure at his writing desk. Tease me if you must, Lulu, but you know I like him a great deal.

I've made a friend in a changeling named Serrakerrix, or just Sera. She's a real sweetheart, and she's been helpful so far in helping me navigate the hive. She works in the nursery, and at the moment she is babysitting Salmacis. I wonder if Salmacis is making friends with the other young changelings? I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I just wanted to send off a few words to you, sis. I'll keep you updated. Much love!


Executing the letter spell, she watched as her missive was enveloped in magical flame and disappear. For a moment she considered writing to Twilight as well, but decided against it. One letter was enough for now.


"Hmm? Yes, I'm here. Come in." Celestia turned to look at the doorway, seeing Sera standing there, Salmacis perched upon her head. "Ah, you've brought Sally back. How did it go?"

"Quite well, actually. The other grubs and nymphs welcomed her warmly, and I believe she had fun playing with those around her own age."

"That's wonderful!" Celestia replied, picking up her daughter with her magic, bringing the grub to her and placing her in her mane. "Thank you for looking after her for me."

"Anytime, my dear." Sera trotted over and gave Celestia a nuzzle. "Need anything else before I retire?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you."

"All right. I'll see you tomorrow."

"It's a date."

Track 008 - Here In Your Hooves

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Celestia passed her days in the hive, thinking little of the surface aside from occasional thoughts of her sister and pony friends. Her eyes adjusted to the dim green light, which had the effect of giving her large and excited pupils, giving her a constant look of wonderment.

And wonderment there was as she poked her muzzle about the hive, walking up and down the many passages, meeting many more changelings as a result. Her daughter was a big hit with the changelings, receiving her fair share of attention, and Celestia figured Salmacis would preen if she could.

Celestia had written to Twilight, letting her friend know of the change in her situation and how she was faring. Twilight responded in kind, letting the former princess know of the goings-on in Canterlot, events ranging from amusing to frustrating; Twilight now understood what her friend had once had to deal with it.

"She expresses wishes to come visit once Salmacis has grown. At present she is much too busy to get away, and I don't blame her. It was hard enough for me to wander off where I pleased without any prior arrangements." Celestia was sat on a slime cushion, once more having tea with Thorax. "And I assume you suffer much the same."

"Yes, I do." Thorax winced, sipping on his herbal tea, peppermint and nettle, a bitter brew which Celestia was also enjoying. "I miss the days when I could just go where I wanted at will. Still, I don't regret where I am now. Being a ruler is very fulfilling when things go well."

"And when they go hooves up, you just want to tear your mane out!" Celestia replied with a giggle. "Although you've no mane to speak of..."

"It makes me want to crack my chitin." He said with a smirk. "But what are you going to do? Better to smile and laugh than rage and cry."

"There is indeed a lot of pony in you, my king."

"And a good deal of changeling in you, from what I hear." He took a sip. "I've heard from Serakerrix and others that you've been settling in quite well."

"That's true. It was strange at first, but with every passing day I feel more and more at home. But I think I've always been like that, truly. If I spend time enough in any place, I can find home."

"Well, this is home for you for as long as you wish, Celestia. You and your ponies have done right by me, and now I want to repay that kindness as much as I can." He put down his cup and reached forward, placing a hoof on hers. "I'm glad you're here."

"M-me too..." She replied, feeling the warmth of his touch, making no move to pull her hoof away. Eventually he pulled it away, gazing at her affectionately, a look that the alicorn mirrored. "My king, I..."

"Shhh, don't worry. I know what you're feeling, and I feel the same way." Celestia was blushing, and Thorax felt himself blushing as well. "I've liked you for a long time, but I was too nervous to make a move. And on top of that, we'd only just gotten some good will in Equestria, and would we have lost that if their princess was being courted by a 'bugpony' like myself?"

"That's the problem with being a public figurehead, more is expected of you, and every move is scrutinized and judged. It's emotionally exhausting. If not for my friends and a good cup of tea, I'd likely have lost my mind many a time." She bit her lip. "I've liked you for a while too, but never said anything. I never expected to be in a position where it might be possible."

Thorax moved closer, pressing up against her side, and she sighed, resting her head against his withers. The feeling of his chitin against her coat was more comforting than she'd ever imagined, and she indulged herself on his presence. "It's possible now, if you wish it." He whispered.

"Please." She whispered back, and he pulled her into a warm embrace. All the weight of rulership and expectation had been lifted from her withers, and she let herself be a mare again. She let out a soft, needy whimper and nuzzled under his chin, her body trembling under his hooves as they gently stroked her back. "Don't let go."

"I won't. Not now, not ever."

* * *

Celestia returned to her chambers after tea and gentle snuggles with Thorax, practically floating on air. She felt like a schoolfilly, blushing and wings fidgeting, giggles daring to pour forth. There were no shortage of ponies who admired her, she knew, but to be admired by one with whom the attraction was mutual was invigorating.

Salmacis, who was able to spend a short time by herself without incident, was there waiting for her, wriggling happily as she spied her mother. Celestia made her way over to her daughter and gathered her up in her hooves, nuzzling her and peppering her with kisses. The air was thick with both romantic and familial love, and the little grub eagerly drank it in. "Oh, I'm so happy, Sally! Thorax likes me, and I like him! He's so sweet and handsome and..." She trailed off, giggling.

Celestia made for her bed, curling up on it with Salmacis, and she proceeded to read to her little one from the book of changeling stories. She spent the rest of her day alternately reading and cuddling her grub, and eventually fell asleep with a blissful smile upon her face.

* * *

When Celestia awoke the next morning, she could tell right away that something was amiss. It took her a few moments in her foggy, tired state to realize what it was: Salmacis wasn't beside her.

It was unlike her little grub to wander off like that, especially as the warmth and love her daughter got from sleeping beside her was too much of a draw for the young changeling. Celestia rubbed her eyes and sat up, wobbling a little as the bed shifted under her. She looked this way and that, seeing nothing. "S-Salmacis? Sweetie?"

Celestia got to her hooves, poking about her chambers, but there was no sight of her daughter. It was about then that worry overtook her, and she hastily left her chambers, scanning the passages in search for her grub.

When she made it to the main chamber, there was still no sight of Salmacis, and it was plain to all that she was worried. They didn't need to be able to sense emotions to see that it was written across her face.

"Celestia? What's wrong?" Celestia turned to see Serakerrix standing there, a concerned frown on the changeling's face. "What's happened?"

"It's Salmacis, I don't know where she has got to!" Celestia replied. "I woke up and she wasn't there. I looked around my chambers but there was no sign of her. Have you seen her?"

"No, I have not. Come, I'll help you." Sera replied, turning and heading in the direction of the living chambers. "I have a hunch, but I need to confirm it..." Celestia, at a loss, merely followed after her friend.

Shortly, they returned to Celestia's chambers, Sera looking about whilst Celestia hovered nervously. At first glance, it did appear that Salmacis was gone. But then Sera tilted her head up and looked at the ceiling. "Ah. As I suspected. There she is."

Celestia looked up, and saw something stuck to the ceiling. It did not look like Salmacis. In fact, it looked very a cocoon. " mean..."

"Yes, she's cocooned herself." Sera nodded. "That's earlier than I expected, but then I've never looked after a young queen. Perhaps the strength and amount of your love helped her develop faster than normal, or maybe this is natural. Chrysalis was queen for many centuries and hadn't decided upon laying an heir, so us nursery lings are in the dark about this."

"I mean, this is definitely a relief, and I won't see my little grub for a little while."

"That's true, but don't worry, dear. When she emerges from that cocoon, she won't be a little grub anymore, she'll be a little nymph, and I bet she'll talk your ears right off. Enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts." Sera said with a chuckle.

"She can talk my ears off if she likes, I'm looking forward to not having a one-sided conversation with her."

"Heh, you might still have a few of those in her adolescent stage."

"Perhaps. But thank you, Sera. I was so worried something had happened to her. Well, something did happen to her, but it isn't anything bad."

"Anytime, dear." Sera gave Celestia a nuzzle. "Calmed down now, have you?"

"Yes, thank you. Thanks for your help."

"You're welcome!" The changeling replied, bowing to her slightly and heading on her way, leaving Celestia alone to sit and stare at her daughter's cocoon.

Track 009 - Been Down So Long (That It Seems Like Up To Me)

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Celestia couldn't believe just how much her life had changed, and in such a short time. Thousands of years looking over Equestria and her little ponies, and yet within a short time she had handed over the crown to Twilight and her friends, retired with her sister, become a mother, and found love. It sounded like something out of some sort of cheesy little novel you could get for a bit at a bookseller's stand, or the fan writings of one of her many admirers. But, there it was.

When he wasn't attending to the matters of his hive, Thorax was attending to his newest subject and lover. Celestia had expected at first for him to be still very much like the shy changeling she knew before his ascension, but he surprised her with his newfound confidence. Where she had expected to take the lead in their time together, he proved himself a capable lover, letting her slip happily into her ideal, submissive self.

And when the two of them couldn't be together, Celestia was associating freely with her hivemates. Sera, of course, was a constant companion. But there were many others who wanted to befriend her, and she eagerly embraced their friendship. Pharynx, Thorax's brother and clutchmate, was one. He was rather intense and sometimes even grumpy, but she could see he had a good heart and he didn't mind her being part of the hive. He regaled her with stories of him and Thorax when they were just nymphs, and she found herself in stitches with laughter at how adorable and sweetly naive her king had once been.

She even found herself one day taking part in one of the hive's most precious activities: the Feelings Forum. She and a good dozen other changelings sat in a wide circle, and cast their gaze on the moderator, Free Love. "Now, it has been a little while since our last Feelings Forum, and in that time we have gained a new hivemate." Free Love gestured at Celestia, who smiled softly and nodded. "It seems only right to me that we should make her feel welcome, don't you think?" A chorus of voices happily welcome Celestia, regardless of the fact that she'd been there for a time. Celestia giggled and thanked them. "It also seems right to me that we should hear from her first, if she has something she wishes to share."

"O-oh...umm..." Celestia blushed, looking from Free Love to the other changelings around her. "Well, I have to admit...I'm pretty happy."

"That's good, that's good!" Free Love crowed, clapping her hooves together. "Tell us more."

"Firstly, I'm sure you're well aware I'm no longer overseeing Equestria." The changelings murmured and nodded. "It's...kind of a relief, actually. I mean, I love all my little ponies, but...I did it for such a long time, and with that lifted from my shoulders I feel sort of...young again. Like a maiden mare." Everyling leaned towards her, seeing that she still had more to say. "And then there's Salmacis, my little grub...though she's currently in the process of becoming a nymph. I've always wanted to be a mother, and I look forward to raising her as best I can. And...finally, well, there's...Thorax." She blushed and trailed off.

"Ah yes, you and King Thorax." Free Love murmured, giggling. "You two are adorable together, if you don't mind me saying. It is wonderful to see love bloom here in the hive!"

"Yeah, and King Thorax looks happier than ever!" Shouted one of the other changelings. Nods all around, and even a few wolf whistles, which made the alicorn blush even harder.

"Thank you for sharing that with us, Celestia." Free Love said, bowing to her. "I'm happy that you are happy." Then she turned and looked at the others assembled. "Anyling else have something to share?"

"My soup is too cold!" Shouted one of them. The others looked at him, shaking their heads. "What? First it was too hot for me to eat, so I left it, now it's too cold."

Celestia tried to fight it, but she could feel laughter bubbling up in her. It was then that all eyes were on her, the alicorn giggling madly, looking absolutely radiant in the sunlight as she laughed.

* * *

The weeks passed by as if in a blur. Being underground more often than above ground, she lost all sense of diurnal rhythm. It was only by looking at the time crystal in the main chamber that she knew what time it was half the time. She ate, slept, read, enjoyed time with Thorax and her friends, and generally just went with the flow. She did of course remember to write to Luna and Twilight as much as she could, sharing her experiences. They were both happy to hear she was doing well. Twilight sounded tired even in her writing, and Celestia couldn't help but empathize; she had done the job for a long time, and well knew how draining it was. Both asked about Salmacis, and she had to tell them that as yet she was still in her cocoon.

Now and then she'd glance at the cocoon, which had seemed to grow and swell gradually; everytime she looked at it, it looked just a little bit bigger. Thorax's reassurances helped keep her calm, but still she fidgeted a bit, eager and impatient to see her daughter again.

One morning, several weeks after her daughter had cocooned herself, Celestia was awoken from sleep by a soft crackling sound. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, rolling onto her back. "Whazza..." She murmured, her eyes falling upon the cocoon. There was movement, and a crack forming down it, fluid dribbling onto the floor. "Eeee!" She fumbled her way off her slime bed, and then stood anxiously under the cocoon, watching.

Just like when Salmacis' egg had initially hatched, she could feel the love welling up in her heart. It was even stronger now, and she directed it at the cocoon, willing her daughter to be free. The life within the cocoon responded, and with a great loud tearing sound, the cocoon split open, and out crawled a dripping wet changeling nymph. She paused, eyes widening, seeing Celestia, and quickly scrambled down the wall, her wings far too damp at the moment to be used for flying.

"Salmacis." Celestia cooed, the nymph practically throwing herself at the alicorn. Celestia hugged her warmly, nuzzling her affectionately, ignoring the cocoon slime, just happy to see her little girl again.

"M-Mama..." Salmacis replied, hugging just as tight. "I missed you."

Celestia choked up, hearing her daughter's first words, and she squeezed her even tighter. "I missed you too, sweetie. J-just look at you! My little Salmacis, growing up so quick."

"I am a changeling, mama." Salmacis replied, giggling.

"That you are." Celestia said, and released her from the embrace, looking at her daughter, taking her in. There were those bright, curious purple eyes she knew so well. But now the grey grub body was replaced with lovely black chitin. What surprised Celestia was that there were no leg holes. Perhaps those formed as changelings matured? Or were they a result of malnutrition? She wasn't sure about that; another question to put to her changeling friends. Salmacis had a short red mane, which was currently slicked to her head with cocoon fluid, and a tail to match. The banding around her belly was a gradient of reds and purples, and her damp wings a lovely mauve. "You're absolutely beautiful, dear."

"Thank you, mama." Salmacis said, giggling and preening a little. Suddenly there came a loud growl from the nymph's belly. "Uh...mind if we get something to eat? I could go for some of your love and some of those delicious locusts!"

"Of course, anything for my little girl."